I’m 40 years old. Since I moved away my dad emails me his lunches.

I find these photos fascinating, beautiful, semi-revolting, comforting, hilarious, cringeworthy and endearing all at the same time. I started posting them on facebook and people seemed to really enjoy them so I thought I’d share them here with the world.

My Dad grew up in a small outport town in Newfoundland on the southern shore (Cape Broyle) and spent the majority of his life in St. John’s working as a service manager, gas station leasee, and car salesman.

He is the funniest person I know. Below is his first attempt at photoshop.

Comments welcome.

Follow the twitter page www.twitter.com/dadslunch

New! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstt3tX5F7c01LihWXXivaA/feed

Dad's First Attempt At Photoshop